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National Science Foundation 

Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Award

Undergraduate Research

Julia Hicks was awarded a Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Award during Spring 2015.  The award will fund Julia's research on avian communities and woodpecker ecology in spruce-fir forests of the San Juan Mountains , Colorado.  The award covers research related expenses and undergraduate field assistant stipends for field work in 2015 and 2016.  Find out more information or apply here .


Spatiotemporal Analysis of American three-toed woodpeckers

Bryan Hankinson recently graduated from the University of Colorado's Geography Department and achieved departmental honors for his thesis project research.  Bryan was one of Julia's outstanding students.  His research focused on the impacts of spruce beetle outbreaks on American red squirrels.  He worked incredibly hard in the field and during the thesis writing process.  Congratulations to Bryan!  Bryan's research was recently the focus of a news article published by the College of Arts and Sciences. 

Julia will be conducting a new study to analyze the relationship between American three-toed woodpeckers and bark beetles outbreaks across space and time.  Data provided by the Bird Conservancy of the Rockies will be used in combination with aerial detection survey data from the US Forest Service to map the presence of woodpeckers within bark beetle-infested forests of the Rocky Mountains.



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